Biodiversity and Climate Action Niagara (BCAN) is a collective of Niagara's citizen-led organizations, environmental groups and nature clubs dedicated to advocating for policies and practices at all levels of government that protect biodiversity and prevent environmental harm.
Biodiversity and Climate Action Niagara’s Hub’s Declaration of Emergency
WHEREAS there is scientific consensus that climate change is occurring more rapidly, that the GHG emissions we emit, will create dire consequences to the social, economic, and environmental sectors if GHG emissions are left unchecked;
WHEREAS climate change is an emergency and the single largest threat to municipalities around the world and urgent climate action is needed;
WHEREAS declarations of climate emergency and agreements have been by more than 300 Canadian municipalities who are working in solidarity to address GHG emissions and climate change;
WHEREAS climate change is contributing to billions of dollars in property and infrastructure damage from extreme weather events such as floods, storms, forest fires and increased freeze-thaw cycles destroying roads and stressing local economies;
WHEREAS climate change threatens the health of people, animals, and natural environments;
WHEREAS Niagara Region is an international border crossing that connects two Great Lakes and is known for its microclimate and specialty croplands, its rare Carolinian ecosystem and it continuing history of being a great source of clean energy generation for the Ontario;
WHEREAS climate action and the low-carbon transition represents a massive opportunity for economic stimulation and job opportunities in the new economy;
WHEREAS the Region of Niagara has identified through its Official Plan that Environmental Sustainability is a priority for the Region; and
WHEREAS the Region of Niagara declared a climate change emergency on September of 2021;
That the Region of Niagara officially incorporate climate change action into existing programmes, plans, and policies in order to achieve 45% CO2 reductions from 2010 levels by 2030 and net zero carbon emissions by 2050 as outlined by the IPCC 1.5°C Report and allocate necessary resources to do so;
Call upon the Region of Niagara to establish formal processes to reduce the GHG emissions caused by the consumption of goods, services and products, by individuals and to align with IPCC reduction targets;
That the Region ensure public participation and create an oversight team to ensure the Region is reaching IPCC targets and reporting on the energy transition.
If you are interested in getting involved, contact