A toolkit for Hub members to help direct their municipalities to take meaningful climate action for a just, liveable future for all.
In this Handbook, Hubs will find the necessary tools and references to begin organizing in support of municipal climate action. It dives into the three guiding principles of the initiative, that is, the role of municipalities, climate justice, and structure, then proposes paths forward and specific tactics to get there.
Read it here: https://bit.ly/handbook-CCH
Below, you can see the nine different sections, what they contain, and a link to read them.
Introduction to Handbook | Main Landing Page
Featuring the table of contents, and descriptions of each chapter. You can always navigate to different chapters from this main page.
All about hubs
Full description of what Hubs are, how to form a Hub, some suggested roles, and overview of support offered through the Hub network.
The Role of Municipalities in Tackling the Climate Crisis
An overview of all the ways you can advocate your municipalities to act on climate - complete with examples and resources.
Climate Justice
Descriptions of what climate justice is, key components, and resources for further learning.
Guiding principles on how to structure and manage your Hub for success.
A breakdown of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ (FCM) Partners for Climate Protection (PCP)’s five-step Milestone Framework.
National Climate League
A summary of the National Climate League. You can find more about the initiative on its website page here.
A thorough chapter filled with different methods and tactics your Hub can use to be effective advocates and organizers in your city.
Featuring common barriers and solutions that Hubs may face during their time organizing.
Rural and remote communities climate organizing toolkit
Co-produced by the Climate Reality Project Canada and the Climate Justice Organizing HUB.
The toolkit aims to support climate advocates and organizers based in rural and remote communities in empowering their friends, families, and neighbours to join together and transform themselves and their communities into climate leaders.
Read it here: https://bit.ly/rural-climateorganizingtoolkit
You can find the launch webinar here: https://youtu.be/J2EYHv7CP5I